After mixing the glue and the baking soda solution, spritz in your contact solution and voila! Your slime is ready! When it comes to using contact lens solution for slime, many parents are left baffled as contact lens solution needs to contain borax when making slime otherwise it will not work. Note that the amount of baking soda depends on the glue volume. To make a good slime activator out of this one, remember to dissolve baking soda in warm water and allow to cool before adding it to your glue. It is worth bearing in mind that if anyone who comes into contact with this slime suffers from allergic reactions to laundry detergents or has sensitive skin, this slime may not be suitable and may irritate the skin. Please be advised though that some liquid laundry detergents work better than others in the slime-making world. Using a laundry detergent to make slime is such a breeze! You just need to slowly add it in a little at a time to your glue and your slime will slowly come together. If you decide to use Borax solution then you can simply put a teaspoon of borax in a cup of warm water and ta da! Slime activator. Note that Borax cannot permeate broken skin, but after playing with it, make sure that hands are thoroughly washed. If you decide to use Borax solution then make sure that you follow the correct instructions when making the slime and do not leave children unsupervised with Borax. Children should be supervised if you intend to let them play with slime made with this ingredient as Borax powder can irritate the throat, eyes and the skin if inhaled. It has been banned in some countries as it is poisonous if swallowed and this has caused some concern for parents.

It’s one of the most popular slime activators and probably the best activator for slime and as activators for slime go, it’s the one that will prove to be successful. It contains either sodium tetraborate or borax.

At the top of the slime activator list is Borax.