When selected, the wheel zooms by default when deselected, the wheel scrolls by default. Sets the default behavior of the mouse wheel and the scroll ball. Saves the view origin and zoom factor for each sheet layer deselect the option to use the same view for all design layers and sheet layers When you use the Wall tool, automatically joins walls at corners and intersections when walls are separated, their ends automatically heal when walls have core components, components also automatically join (see Automatically joining walls) When you use the Duplicate command, places the duplicate object so that it is offset from the original object deselect the option to place duplicates directly over the original Shows eight handles (four corner and four center) on most objects deselect the option to display only four corner handles

Click once with the mouse button and do not release drag the cursor to a desired location and then release. Lets you draw objects with the click-drag method rather than the default click-click method.