✔ Planets in Houses Analysis of all 9 planets in different houses of horoscope. ✔ Ascendant Analysis Personality traits and Characteristics analysis. ✔ Planetary Positions Calculates ascendant, degrees, sign & house placement of 16+ planets in natal chart.

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To create and read your birth chart here at astromitra, all you have to do is just fill out the birth chart from with your date of birth, time of birth and location of birth. When it comes to predict specific events in life for example beginning or ending of a relationship, finding a new job, timing of marriage or children, the help of transit, dashas and annual horoscope is taken. In order to read a birth chart, first see the sign falling in the ascendant and subsequent houses, then analyze placement of all planets in different houses, their mutual aspects and conjunctions. Birth chart reading is nothing but an ability synthesizing signs, houses and planets satisfactorily in any given horoscope. An astrology birth chart consists of twelve houses, twelve signs and nine to twelve planets. A Birth Chart is often referred to as a map of planetary positions at the time of one’s birth which is very helpful to understand many aspects of one’s personality, career, relationship and discover what future holds.